RTAP (Rural Transit Assistance Program)

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What is RTAP?

FTA has provides formula funding to states, under the Section 5311 Non-urbanized Transit Program, to establish and maintain transit systems in communities with populations under 50,000 people. The Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP), is funded by FTA "to promote the safe and effective delivery of public transportation services in rural areas and to facilitate more efficient use of public transportation resources."[1] RTAP supports rural transit by developing and distributing training materials, providing technical assistance, creating web-based applications, producing reports, publishing best practices, conducting research, and offering peer assistance for rural and tribal transit providers and state RTAP programs.[2]

As part of the 5311 program, each state has an RTAP manager and an RTAP Program. State RTAP funds are often used to provide transit driver training in customer service as well as workshops and conferences for transportation managers in their state.[3]

National RTAP

The National RTAP office coordinates nationwide efforts to improve rural transit systems. National RTAP offers:
